Get Involved

Our mission is to demonstrate that Oakleigh Garden Community is an irresponsible development plan and Halland Park Farm is the wrong place to build a new town.  

To do so, we need to make as much noise as possible, by lobbying local government and raising awareness of the concerns of the scheme. If you want to join us in opposing this scheme, have a look at the ways you can get involved.  

Write a letter or an email

Write a letter to local councillors. Volumes of objections genuinely count in influencing local authorities, and if you want some help in doing this, please get in touch.

Spread the Word

Our objections against this need to be heard by as many people as possible, from as many people as possible. Talk to people or post on social media. To be kept up to date on all things NoDOG, subscribe to our mailing list and then you can share to your wider circles what we send out.

Keep in touch

It is very important to keep your objections going over a period of time so subscribe to our mailing list for updates, information and more strategies. 

Follow us on social media

Along with our mailing list you can follow us on social media for all updates. If you post anything related to the scheme please use the #nodog.